


If you feel well enough, take a look at the following home learning activities which link with our current topic. You can email any completed work to me via  the school office or bring it in on your return.

I hope you feel better soon!

English: Create a narrative for your own Egyptian Cinderella adventure. Try and include some dialogue, setting descriptions and adverbials while taking note of the chronological events.


Fractions: Revise unit and non unit fractions. Challenge your parents to a game of fractions dominoes. You could create your own or print and use the set below. If you create your own, I would love to play it with you when you return!

Money recap: Have a go at pricing up some of your toys and creating a shop. If your parents buy your toys, how much change should you give them? Challenge: Use a mix of £, p, and notes.

Sumdog and TT Rockstar class competition.

Topic: Homework can be found near the top of the page.

Remember you can always snuggle up and enjoy another book from your Woodies Book Bingo and Mr Duggan's 100 book challenge.




If you feel well enough, take a look at the following home learning activities which link with our current topic. You can email any completed work to me via  the school office or bring it in on your return.

I hope you feel better soon!

English: Create a narrative for your own Egyptian Cinderella adventure. Try and include some dialogue, setting descriptions and adverbials while taking note of the chronological events.


Fractions: Revise unit and non unit fractions. Challenge your parents to a game of fractions dominoes. You could create your own or print and use the set below. If you create your own, I would love to play it with you when you return!

Money recap: Have a go at pricing up some of your toys and creating a shop. If your parents buy your toys, how much change should you give them? Challenge: Use a mix of £, p, and notes.

Sumdog and TT Rockstar class competition.

Topic: Homework can be found near the top of the page.

Remember you can always snuggle up and enjoy another book from your Woodies Book Bingo and Mr Duggan's 100 book challenge.




If you feel well enough, take a look at the following home learning activities which link with our current topic. You can email any completed work to me via  the school office or bring it in on your return.

I hope you feel better soon!

English: Create a narrative for your own Egyptian Cinderella adventure. Try and include some dialogue, setting descriptions and adverbials while taking note of the chronological events.


Fractions: Revise unit and non unit fractions. Challenge your parents to a game of fractions dominoes. You could create your own or print and use the set below. If you create your own, I would love to play it with you when you return!

Money recap: Have a go at pricing up some of your toys and creating a shop. If your parents buy your toys, how much change should you give them? Challenge: Use a mix of £, p, and notes.

Sumdog and TT Rockstar class competition.

Topic: Homework can be found near the top of the page.

Remember you can always snuggle up and enjoy another book from your Woodies Book Bingo and Mr Duggan's 100 book challenge.
